The Genius Bank home page
The Genius Bank home page
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To promote more artistic communication, collaboration, and cross-pollination at MTV Networks, MTV Labs created The Genius Bank — a creative community on the company’s intranet. 

As the designers and developers for this social media site, we were tasked with the following and I quote David Felton, the Senior Vice President behind The Genius Bank:

  • “intranet site where you can see everybody’s best stuff and upload some of yours.”
  • ‘lists actual MTVN geniuses in your building and around the world — their pictures, bios, contact info,” 
  • “their films, artwork, music, scripts, poetry, performances, photographs, fashion designs, set designs, special effects, or whatever else their devious minds have come up with.”

The Genius Bank had to be a creative community AND content mother lode. So to achieve this goal, we relied on countless iterations of our wireframes and ran them continuously by the product owner, stakeholders, the designers and developers.

David Felton summarized the results, “It (The Genius Bank) will offer producers a greater creative palette to work with, and afford artists like yourself a chance to have your work more widely seen and utilized. As MTVN continues to expand its networks and digital platforms, the Bank will become a ready resource of new content, content made by all you in-house free-thinkers who help keep the brand authentic and unique.”

• The Creativity Awards — Winner — Website, Self-Promotion

The Genius Bank projects page
The Genius Bank browse projects page
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The Genius Bank text project page
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The Genius Bank image project page
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The Genius Bank a genius page
The Genius Bank specific genius page
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The Genius Bank upload page
The Genius Bank upload page
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