The Listerine workshops yielded a fake-front-door experiment with survey. After designing a fake Listerine Aqua and its bottles placed at the employee J&J store, customers who bring them to the cashier fill out a questionnaire on: Why did you buy Listerine Aqua?
Data compiled includes:
• Name of the product
• Prominent ADA label
• No-colorant liquid
• Clear bottle and white cap
• Blue label design
• The tag line “the next stage of dental care”
• The price point
Data enough to pivot or validate towards a launch.
The reliance on data in this Listerine Aqua experiment epitomizes the 3rd value in the Agile Marketing Manifesto:
When we experiment, we learn and collect data. That data and learned results enables us to make better and more effective marketing decisions.
If we ignore the data and only rely on someone’s opinion or an outdated convention, then we underserve our audiences and spend valuable time producing the wrong things.