A marketer uses graphic design to convey complex ideas — to get the buy-in for a new campaign for instance. How?

  • Uses logic and patterns that are easily understood by an audience.
  • Tells a story that gives the client’s data purpose.
  • Provides conclusions so the viewer doesn’t have to make their own assumptions.

I applied these same marketing principles to the aid policy of the non-governmental organization Education Above All (EAA) resulting in a new logo and infographics.

EAA infographic

EAA and partner institutions planned to approach the International Criminal Court in order to put attacks on education on the court’s agenda. If EAA was successful (and the infographics were a key component of its advocacy efforts), it hoped the ICC would prosecute such attacks bringing some form of justice to conflict-affected populations. 

EAA infographic

As an aside, the infographics and the new EAA logo that started this entire graphic design played off the same crisp style and set of orange hues and complimentary colors.

EAA logo: sample stages to the final design and an early version
