For years Labs at MTV Networks sponsored events and experiments designed to inspire MTVN employees to try new creative stuff in a risk-free, market-free environment.
Labs Online, the intranet version of Labs, held a Labs/iFilm Desktop Film Festival where employee-made short digital films could over three weekly stages be (1) uploaded, (2) judged and (3) winners viewed, all from the comfort of office computers.
More than 90 films were submitted. Five were picked as winners and run on iFilm.
Key Production and UI Features
Visual design and motion graphics enhanced the experience of the film festival being a typically-cheeky MTV Labs event.
The ease-of-use UI had employees vote by dragging and dropping their five favorite “pics” (pun intended).
Embedded video player could be expanded to reveal more funky-design video controls.
XML backend allowed for a seamless transfer of the uploaded files of the first stage to the second to be voted on then the third winners stage.